
Burbot - diversification of freshwater aquaculture

Burbot is considered as an excellent fish and local delicatese due to its boneless, tasty white meat and liver. However, the fish is hardly found on the local market because the availability has been limited to inland fisheries which is only periodically possible in some in Alpine lakes. 

Belgian and German research has shown the aquaculture potential of burbot having a potential fast growth rate, superb feed conversion and a high market value (segment of marine flatfish species such as turbot). Having similar requirements as salmonids, the species has alot of potential for diversification in cold freshwater aquaculture. 

The projected outcome of burbot aquaculture is fish of 400 - 600 grams, depending on the situation of the local market. At this size, a fillet yield of 40% and a liver content of 10 - 15% can be obtained. 

Aqualota not only provides burbot fingerlings, but also gives professional advise to its customers and guides them through the entire production period on different aspects such as RAS systems, husbandry conditions and feeding scedules. 

In collaboration with (international) research institutions and business partners, Aqualota is constantly working on the further development of burbot aquaculture, providing its customers with the latest information and best-practises.